
Demand Generation as a growth enabler
How to Lift your Demand Generation to the Digital Era

Demand Generation as a growth enabler

Typical pitfalls for lead generation and follow-up

Lead Generation used to be quite a simple process in the information-poor age we lived in until recently. But the better-informed customer started setting us new challenges. Buyers do their research online now, and find and share other people’s opinions and experiences on social media.

The Three Key Elements of Lead Generation

To increase Marketing’s contribution to sales, it is important for Sales and Marketing to work together as a well-oiled machine. They need to optimise the quality, follow-up and conversion of leads. The three key elements are:

  1. Clear definitions
  2. Marketing contribution
  3. Collaboration

In this eBook, you will learn how successful companies use Lead Generation to stimulate their opportunities for growth.

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